ABC Brotherton


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Precious Adelyn!!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

9 Months!!

Can you believe Adelyn is 9 months old??!!! She started crawling today...take a look!

She is also glad football season is here! Go Tech!!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Casual Friday

So I have to post some of these pics... It was casual Friday for Adelyn at work this past Friday and she was a cutie in her Adidas outfit :)

I have been working non-stop for over a week now and I know that Adelyn is ready for a break! I have done my best to take plenty of time out to play with her and give her attention. It makes my day when we get that time because she smiles, laughs and talks to me ... I don't get that from many other people ;)

Here is a picture to show how worn out she is!

I am counting down the hours until Tuesday when my current work project is done - no more changes because the deadline will have passed. Even Zoey is worn out from all the work and no play!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker


Today, we have received ALOT of much needed rain. I walked into my office to find my desk, files, chair soaking wet!! The ceiling leak had not been fixed and this rain decided to come inside :) Adelyn stayed home with her Grandmom in the warmth of the house. Check out the cute outfit that Holly and Jared gave her!

Miss Adelyn turns 3 months tomorrow. I can't believe it!! Time is flying by and she is getting so big.

I hope everyone enjoys the rain and stays warm!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker


Adelyn has discovered her hands and her mouth but she isn't always sure how the two meet!! It is so much fun to watch her find her hand with her eyes and then slowly guide it down into her mouth. She misses sometimes too :)

I have not wanted her to suck on her thumb and so far, so good! Today though, several times, her thumb made it into her mouth and she did a little suck/chew move but then abandoned it pretty quick. I may wake up tomorrow to a thumb sucking daughter and there will be nothing I can do about it expect to let her enjoy and keep discovering!


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Friday Night

Isn't she cute? :) We spent our Friday night hanging out together. Brandon cooked pancakes and we then watched a little golf. Adelyn got to say hi to several grandparents and aunts via Skype. What a great thing to have with family so far away!

Have a great weekend!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker


So as you can tell, I haven't done very good at keeping my blog up to date :(

I am now addicted to Facebook though but the main reason is because I can update through my phone. Yes, I'm addicted to my blackberry! If I could get this blog working on my phone, you would have new posts and pictures every day. I'll try my best!

I am at work trying to get things done. Pretty Adelyn is sleeping behind me in her little rocker. She has decided that her fist is more fun to suck on than her pacifier!! The noises she makes when trying to fit the whole thing in her mouth are pretty funny. She'll even pull the pacifier out just to replace it with her hand.

For the latest pictures of Adelyn, go to Adelyn's Babushka is the best at keeping photo albums current.

Be back blogging soon!!