ABC Brotherton


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

17 Weeks ... now for a Bathing Suit!

This week, we went for our 3rd Dr.'s appointment. It was the quickest appointment I have ever had. Practically no wait, then we were in and out. They told me my blood test results (all good news!) and we listened to the heart beat. It was at 142/143....healthy!

So tomorrow, we are going to hang out at the pool and I get to put on a swim suit. It normally would sound fun but it will be strange with my little belly. I'll try to have pictures of it this weekend. I always think very pregnant women in bikinis are too cute but a pregnant woman that is just starting to grow might just look a little bloated :) At least all the people I will be with know the real reason!!

Have a safe and happy 4th!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your face will say it all! Enjoy this time!!!

July 3, 2008 10:34 PM  

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