ABC Brotherton


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

30 Weeks and Counting!

A lot has happened since I last blogged so I'll try to get you updated!

At 28 weeks, we had the 3D/4D Sonogram which was really neat!! They confirmed Adelyn was a girl (my mom was worried about that because the closet is full of girls clothes!!) and we got to see some great pictures of her cute face.

Both my mom and Brandon's mom were able to make it to this appointment which was great! We enjoyed our time watching Adelyn wake up, yawn and even suck her thumb. All of this was put on a 20 minute video and a DVD with great pictures that we have to keep and show her when she grows up!

The rug for Adelyn's room came in and is too cute! I'm going to buy paint this week so that the room can start taking shape. The colors will be perfect for a precious little girl.

Brandon and I have had a chance to enjoy the 2 Cowboy's home games with Adam & April. These have been lots of fun, well, when they win :)

Our next doctors appointment is this Friday and we keep going every 2 weeks for another month and a half before we start going every week. The time is just flying by and I have so much to do!

I'll get Brandon to take some pics of my growing belly and put them up here soon. Have a great Wednesday!!


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