ABC Brotherton


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Happy Birthday Babushka!

It's Babushka's birthday :)

See if you can figure out who Babushka is??!!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Reality Shows and Was that the Baby Moving??!!

So last night, Brandon fell asleep early on the couch. This always give me the opportunity to watch those lovely reality shows that my DVR tapes for me. These shows are my weakness and Brandon is not too fond of them. He thinks they are ruining my brain :) I usually give it about 10 minutes after he falls asleep before I change the channel. That way, I know he's really out and won't wake up just to make me turn the channel after a 5 minute teaser of the show!

My first choice last night was So You Think You Can Dance! I was able to finish all 3 hours in about 1.5 hours...thanks to rewind! In the middle of the show, I felt some rumblings in the stomach. For me, as my mom and I had discussed earlier through chat, that usually means I just have gas. This felt a little different but it could have all been in my head since I had just been talking about it. This one time, it felt like something moving along my stomach and then it was over! So, I had no way to know ... did the baby move OR was it just the same ol' gas problem :)

I tried to wake Brandon and get him to feel but he did not like me bugging him! When I told him this morning, he didn't even really remember and felt a little bad he didn't wake up.

I'm just writing this episode off as gas but I'm paying closer attention, just in case!

Thank goodness it's Friday!!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

17 Weeks ... now for a Bathing Suit!

This week, we went for our 3rd Dr.'s appointment. It was the quickest appointment I have ever had. Practically no wait, then we were in and out. They told me my blood test results (all good news!) and we listened to the heart beat. It was at 142/143....healthy!

So tomorrow, we are going to hang out at the pool and I get to put on a swim suit. It normally would sound fun but it will be strange with my little belly. I'll try to have pictures of it this weekend. I always think very pregnant women in bikinis are too cute but a pregnant woman that is just starting to grow might just look a little bloated :) At least all the people I will be with know the real reason!!

Have a safe and happy 4th!