ABC Brotherton


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Much Needed Break!

Happy Sunday! So this past couple of days has been a nice break. We missed going to Plainview for Thanksgiving but did not know if Adelyn would come or not so we decided to spend the time at home. I really enjoyed relaxing and got a lot done around the house!

I wanted to hold off on putting up the pictures of Adelyn's nursery until the hutch came in but I'll just have to blog again when that comes in ... hopefully early this week :)

Enjoy the pictures of her beautiful room! It is such a cozy and peaceful room. I enjoy just sitting in there at night, anxiously waiting for her to join us!

Also, I put up our Christmas decor! Minimalist as it may be, I love having these pieces out during this time of year. Pictures of our new stockings (including Adelyn's) and other decor coming soon :)

Have a great week!


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker


Since I'm not so good at remembering to blog, I figured that I'd put up several pictures while I was online tonight. I hope you enjoy!!

My new haircut...

Our cute pits...

Brandon's office...


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

35 Weeks

Here I am at 35 weeks (after a great meal of pasta and cheesecake!!).

Our doctors appointment this week started our weekly appointments. They are on Tuesday's and we should find out next week if Adelyn has turned. My doctor said that she would be fine with me delivering anytime starting at 37 weeks. That's only 2 weeks away...she's almost here!

I'm trying to get things done - around the house, at work - but I think that the more I do, the more I uncover! Hopefully I'm prepared when the time comes, not for Adelyn, because I'm ready to meet her!! But to take a break from work and let go a little bit. It will be hard for me but I know that my priorities will shift and I'll have to not be so controlling over certain parts of my life :)

The furniture should be here next week so keep looking for updated pics of a completed nursery!

Have a great Friday!